I started off designing a bunch of papers for another digital card making kit, that was meant to be completed before Christmas. Well, that didn't happen, needless to say! However, I didn't give up on it!
I decided to release several kits that all "go" together, representing various holidays. So watch for these as the holidays roll around!
So the idea is to get yourself the starter pack, with the papers, then add on to it as you like.
The colours go great with photos of people in blue jeans and denim!
I've already added a great new alpha to the bunch, which can be used for Project 365, or 52, and now the Valentine's Day elements kit!
I got my inspiration from our daughter and family's Christmas photo shoot, and based several Christmas card templates on this palette of colours. Here is the card they used, and these elements are in the Christmas Element pack.
I designed this card as a "quick page". It's a png file, with a space available for you to place your own photo. Easy Peasy!
Without further ado, here is your freebie:
Amazing photo, of my adorable grandson and our daughter, by Christina Clause is not included!
Check her blog: here
Please take a moment to leave a comment! It is so much appreciated to be appreciated!
Happy Scrapping, and Happy Valentine's Day!
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