Wow, how exciting to have a day, weekend really, devoted to this fantastic hobby! I've been surfing, downloading, and blog hopping! What fun!!!
There are a lot of great digital goodies out there in the blog world. I'll get to more of that later!
I've been working on a new kit, inspired by our trip to Legoland Florida! It's called "brick a brack", and the alpha is called "brick a bet"
Well, in the spirit of giveaways and freebies and whatnot, I've decided to offer you a free alpha. It's one of the bonus alphas included in "Brick a Bet"
CONTEST: How would you like to win the entire "Brick a Bet" Alpha?
In the comments below, tell me your favorite product from my Etsy shop. That’s all there is to it! Increase your chances of winning by liking my page on facebook, and posting in the comments that you did. Every comment posted between now and 11:59 PM (EST) on Tuesday, May 8 will be eligible, and chosen by
Layout I did using paper and elements from the kit "Brick a Brack" and the alpha "Brick a Bet"
If you want to join the fun in a really great blog hop, I suggest you head over to DHD, and follow along! This is a different sort of blog hop, you collect letters and numbers at all the stops, which you use as a coupon code, in order to download the entire kit for free! You will find all the info at
Thanks for stopping by,
Happy Scrapping, and have a great day!