Thursday, April 7, 2011

Feeling Blue

It's been just over a week now.

On Wednesday, March 30, after a very long journey, my cousin and friend went home to her heavenly father. I thought I had cried all my tears for all those years, yet there were still tears left to cry.

She has left behind a beautiful daughter, and the love of her life, her dear husband.

We were the same age, her and I. We did everything together as kids. We loved to shop together as youngsters, and buy "matching outfits" Although I was the oldest by 7 months, she was for the better part of our childhood, a good 6 inches taller than me. So I ended up with the same clothes again as hand me downs!! We liked to call ourselves "the Bobbsey Twins" (I know, I'm old!)

We did everything together...Well, almost. She was so much more adventurous than I was. I was a scaredy cat then, and still am today! She was smart, pretty, athletic. You'd think that would be someone to hate rather than love. But she was also very gracious. She won just about every game we played, but she never made me feel like a loser! She helped me out when I needed it.

It was strange to me, though, when at times she preferred to hang out with my brother building forts, and running around outside, instead of reading or drawing or painting or playing games with me inside the house.

I remember a time when we were climbing rocks "up north", and I got "stuck". I was too scared to continue, and she climbed back, and stood below me, and helped me across. It wasn't at all high, I was probably only 18 inches off the ground, and I was hanging from a tree branch, but I felt like it was a huge mountain. I just had trust that I'd make it across, and with Annette's help, I made it!

My Aunt had saved the banner that hung in her bedroom, with her awards and ribbons on it. It was proudly displayed at the funeral home last weekend!

Annette met her husband while on a vacation in Jamaica. It was love at first sight, for both of them. Only problem was, he lived in Germany! A few months later he came to Canada, and proposed to her, so off she went to Germany. They got married there. She learned the language, got a job, even had a baby there. Her new family there adored her, and loved her as much as we did here in Canada!

At some point, while there, she began having heart trouble. I can't begin to say what that all entailed.
Their little family of three came to Canada, but the heart trouble did not get better. She was waiting for another surgery, to receive an internal defibrillator, when the big heart attack happened. This led to a months long coma, and also resulted in a brain injury.

We now had to get used to a new person. Her struggles with her health continued. Her husband did not leave her side. He took such amazing care of her.

That happened in 1987, when her daughter was very young. And now, after a very long journey, my cousin and friend went home to her heavenly father. I thought I had cried all my tears for all those years, yet there were still tears left to cry.

Please forgive my personal ramblings, it's a little off topic today!

I was in any case, inspired to create a little "add on" to my "add on". If you download, please leave a comment. Feedback is always appreciated!
You can download them both. I am offering them for free. Please enjoy them, and feel free to share your layouts with me! I will post them with your permission.
Contact me at: FigmentGraphics

Here is a layout made with this kit by Tricia:

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